Sep 16Liked by Valerie Smith

Here’s what I do: I have an iPad and a Nokia. I can sit and binge on my iPad but when I am out and about it’s Nokia only. Sure, it isn’t always easy, and it might mean I have to do things like ask strangers the way to somewhere, or not be taking compulsive photos all the time,but trust me, it is workable and it gives you the pay-off of freedom.

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That’s a smart way to do it. How long have you been? I definitely plan on giving my kids ‘dumb’ phones when they are older and don’t want to be a hypocrite…I do miss my old flip phone! And I’m saavy with directions, know my way around a paper map. Not as great of a singer though lol, yet unwilling to listen to the radio. CDs…wow I could bust out my old disc Rolodex! It’s full of 90s and 2000s alternative and hip-hop. Those burned mixes from limewire are calling 🤩

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Sep 17Liked by Valerie Smith

I decided not to get a smart phone in the first place,and then it became a fun challenge to see how long I could last. At one stage three years ago I thought it had become too tricky not to be on What’s App (though I have Telegram on the iPad) and decided to get an iPhone; my kids, en masse, begged me not to. It somehow grounded them to know that I was free of such a thing. I’m so glad I powered through. I get admiring looks in restaurants from teenage waiters going “Wow! That’s old skool!” And most people glance longingly at my phone as though it is a reminder of the time when they were free … I thoroughly recommend it. Yes you need to employ some hacks and tricks but my god it is worth it. You end up less connected to the phone workd but more connected to the real one. You know, the one where we actually live!!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

You are wise and I thank you for sharing this! I love that your kids see through it as well, that’s profound and a reminder that they will grow to see clearly in time, not to be led by the ‘gimmies’ that (hopefully) fade with age. I am seriously considering switching back. I didn’t want a smart phone, my now spouse pushed me to get one in 2011. That was a year of powerful transformation for me, I wish I knew If it happened before or after the phone came! First glimpse of the truth, and I’ve been trying to get back to it in a way ever since. It could really be that simple…and hard!

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"an appetizer for a meal that doesn’t come", yes, exactly. Sounds like it's been really tough... keep going!

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That was my favorite line, I just sobbed after I typed it; you’ve found the marrow. Without spoiling the ending, it got (is going) a lot better :)

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Sep 16Liked by Valerie Smith

Your writing: ON FIRE!!!! I felt your words acutely. I appreciate you cataloguing your journey with so much honesty. I’m observing your journey with great interest. Excessive Smartphone/screen time is ubiquitous - such a great choice of topic, Valerie. It looks different on everyone, yet the patterns you speak of are instantly recognizable. I am experiencing the worst of everything dopaminergic lately, and I suspect it all started with my damn phone. I’m not on social media, yet captured by online information in areas of interest. What began as a slow degradation of valuable time has now morphed into what I recognize as addictive behavior. I’ve been experimenting with leaving my phone at home whenever I can. Drastic, yes. Yesterday, I marched myself up a local mountain. It was like emerging from a digital hangover. Nature and physical movement are my personal antidotes. Been feeling pretty down about all of this, so thank you for your courageous post.

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You are too kind my friend! I’m impressed with your resolve as well. Climbing a mountain would be the best medicine! I agree, nature and movement as the antidote. I’m in the gym 3-4 days a week rowing and trying to get walks with my son sometimes as well. I’m pretty tempted by the notion to go back to a flip phone…I am going to muse on it a bit! Keep me posted on your journey as well

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Great! Liberation!!

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